Stop Sarah Palin's Slaughter!

Dear Valjeanne,

Alaska’s awful aerial wolf-killing programs have slaughtered more than 1,000 wolves since 2003 -- and at least than 251 since November. Even now…

* Governor Sarah Palin remains unrelenting in her support for aerial wolf killing;
* Newly obtained photos reveal the barbaric nature of state-managed aerial wolf killing; and
* The threat to Northern Rockies wolves in the lower 48 grows. Idaho could use aerial gunning to kill wolves on national forest lands.

Isn’t it time that Congress took action to protect our wolves from this terrible practice?

Please urge your representative to co-sponsor the Protect America’s Wildlife (PAW) Act and help end needless aerial wolf killing in Alaska and prevent its spread to the Northern Rockies where wolves have lost vital federal protections.

For weeks, my team of advocates and I have been frantically scheduling meetings with representatives like yours to convince them to pass legislation to put an end to the baseless and cruel aerial wolf killing that has already claimed so many lives and is destroying important natural balances of predators and prey.

We’ve already convinced 44 representatives to sign on as original co-sponsors of the PAW Act… but your representative has yet to act.

Will you help us convince your U.S. representative, David Price , to sign on as an original co-sponsor of this soon-to-be-reintroduced legislation?

We can’t secure the support we need for the PAW Act without your help. Please send a message to your representative today.

We don’t have much time.

California Congressman George Miller is expected to re-introduce the PAW Act in just a few weeks. To ensure the greatest chance of passing this important bill and saving the lives of wolves that will otherwise be callously gunned down, we need to convince dozens of lawmakers like Rep. Price to cosponsor the PAW Act.

Please help us save wolves. Take action today.

With Gratitude,

Robert Dewey Robert Dewey
Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund

P.S. Messages from caring people like you are the single most important tool we have to stop aerial wolf killing. Please send your message today, and we will be sure to remind Rep. Price about your message when we meet with your Representative in the days and weeks ahead.


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